The Full Moon in Gemini of 12/15/2024 continues many of the themes from the New Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon in Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius shines a light on the need to balance information and beliefs. It is a super charged Moon with nearby Jupiter Retrograde (Rx) in Gemini expanding the message of balancing curiosity, exploration, knowledge seeking and connection. The statement that “We grow and learn in connection,” by Joanna Macy exemplifies the balancing of the Gemini and Sagittarius polarity.
Our exploration (Sagittarius) and inquiry (Gemini) may be internal with Jupiter’s Retrograde influence. Neptune in the last degrees of Pisces squaring both Sun and Moon creates another brake on the dance of exploration and conviviality. We may feel excited by so many activities and so much information even as we long for solitude and quiet reflection. Neptune and Saturn in Pisces pulling on the Sun and Moon encourage temperance and help us to release the mental whirlwind by going back to Source. Seek answers from internal, intuitive sources rather than mental gymnastics.
The intensity of Fire and Air in this geometry is unbelievable. There is harmony and easy flow between Mars Rx in Leo, Mercury in Sagittarius and Pluto, Ceres (Earth Mother) and Venus in Aquarius and the Moon with Jupiter Rx in Gemini. Another configuration brings flow between Vesta (Keeper of the Hearth) in Libra, Sun in Sagittarius, Chiron Rx in Aries and the Moon and Jupiter Rx in Gemini. Additionally there is a Grand Fire Trine between Mars Rx Leo, Mercury Sagittarius and the North Node in Aries. Pluto in Aquarius continues to oppose Mars Rx in Leo. Wow! that is a lot of Fire and Air. That makes Eleven!! planets, points and luminaries in Fire and Air signs.
Positive expressions of these energies are a profound impetus to express our individuality, to seek new shores with ambition, determination, empowerment, self-discipline and focus in overcoming challenges. We desire to open to possibilities and to explore new ways of expressing, connecting and experiencing. Negative expressions include being over ambitious, under estimating the real costs of an endeavor, betrayal of trust and corruption. Being bombastic, controlling and power struggles with grandiose disregard for others are some other lower vibration expressions.
A balanced, mature use of these energies turns volatility into energy as in a steam engine. In Daoist philosophy Yang feeds Yin and Yin feeds Yang generating all of Life. The times are primed for a great enterprise and indicate a tipping point signifying a need for great care.
Tell the Truth; there are many signatures in this Sky Mandala for seeking justice, fairness, clarity and transformation. We are encouraged to stand tall and strong like the tree, even if in apparent solitude. The trees may stand alone above ground but beneath it they are connected by roots and mycelium. This chart encourages us to take the transformative path, to let go of old stories (Gemini/Sagittarius) even if it means breaking from society’s expectations. By resisting the lower vibrational expressions of this powerful time, whether from within or without us, we elevate all.
The potency of this Fire, Air and Water (Neptune and Saturn in Pisces) brings to mind a hot water heater. My neighbor’s had a leak and in trying to figure out where the alarm was coming from (my hot water heater or hers) I found out that they have Pressure Relief Valves. All ended well but the metaphor did not escape me. I would much rather use a pressure relief valve than blow up! It takes mastery and a strong root to use that valve so we don’t explode. Stay grounded to avoid overwhelm, and work to root as deeply as we want to rise. Virgo is the empty leg of the T Square between the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune. Daily grounding (Virgo) during this volatile time is a must. Nancy Rebecca has a lovely meditation for this @ 28.20 minutes.
With Mercury Direct in Sagittarius on the same day as this Full Moon we can expect success in small projects as well as do overs. Newly direct, Mercury will be at a standstill and pause before forward movement is noticed. This Mercury opens opportunities for reconciliation and the clearing of misunderstandings.
Mercury in Sagittarius will light up the themes of this Full Moon again as it moves forward and opposes Jupiter Rx in Gemini as both square Saturn in Pisces most closely on December 26th, 2024. Thus, we will feel these energies reverberate through the rest of December and into the beginning of January.
The quote “Be curious, not judgmental” from Ted Lasso has a Gemini/Sagittarius feel. Being open to information and others’ perspectives is like listening to all of the instruments, it doesn’t mean we have to join the Band. We may be surprised at what we hear.
Conviviality and curiosity (Gemini), perspectives and beliefs (Sagittarius) as well as the need for the Wild (Pisces) vs Order/Daily Self Care (Virgo) are expressed perfectly in Trevor Noah’s ‘Through the Uncut Grass”, a picture book for all ages.
The Chinese character for Believe:
想 xiǎng means to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish. It is made up of the characters for tree and eye (which together mean reciprocal, mutual, each other, equal) and the character for heart, mind, soul (all are considered one in Eastern Thought). This feels very Gemini and Sagittarius squaring Pisces to me. What we see/perceive is the same as ourselves (I am That) and when we bring our Heart/Mind to this knowing we have belief and right thinking and can hope and dream and consider possibilities.
How to deal with overwhelm: as best we can, allow what is (Neptune/Saturn in Pisces) and ask our guides and angels to make it easy. Step back and allow the flow, releasing the outcome. This requires Radical Trust. Reaching out to likeminded others for support and uplifting encouragement is essential, whether we do so above ground, or, like the trees, touch roots.
Sources and Inspirations:
Molly McCord
Nancy Rebecca
John Sandbach
I Ching (Yi Qing)
Rider Waite Tarot
Master Liu He
Sister Dang Nghiem of the Plum Village Buddhist Tradition
Image Credit: yayimages/magann