The Positive Masculine and Mercury Rx in Aries

How many times have we been rearing to go, excited and sure; impatient, even and then been impeded by something only to have it be a blessing?

We are ready to go, charging out the door and then we drop our keys or a child needs something and because of this we remember the stove is on or the heat or we remember to take something we would have forgotten and it would have been a real hassle, maybe we would have forgotten the one thing that we needed for the trip. Or that time we were anxious and impatient to get somewhere and we get behind some slow, old bitty (that’s me now😉) and are so angry about it but then we later realize that slow down saved us from an accident up ahead or…I am sure you have your own stories of this.

These are lived experiences of Mercury Retrograde in Aries. Watch for these occurrences during this Eclipse Season with Mercury Rx sandwiched between a Full Moon in Libra with a Piscean imperative and the New Moon in Aries with 6 planets, points or luminaries in Aries.

Chiron (The Wounded Healer) in Aries tells us to check in and move from a healed masculine place. A place of strong integrity and passion, not anger and dominance. Mercury Rx in Aries helps us to hear this. As the Moon eclipses the Sun in Aries the message again is, go inward, contemplate. How can we move forward with a healed Masculine? With protection not abuse, support not dominance, enthusiasm not hubris, integrity not artifice/exploitation. Let us move forward as the Bold Fool who knows that anything is possible and wants to find out rather than as the Aggressor; to grab and take and fight, burning up the world to make his fire.

Coming after the immense Pisces energy of the Full Moon in Libra we are primed to come from Universal Love and to use this Love to balance our relationships (Libra) with our personal integrity and sovereignty (Aries). Let’s take this Love forward, having dissolved the hate and old wounds in the Waters of Pisces as we move forward in a New Way (Aries) with a renewed commitment to the Positive Masculine energies: optimistic, open to possibilities, confident, protective, provider, emotional intelligence and emotionally expressive, nurturing through play and clear, fair boundaries, strong but kind, reasonable, attentive without being overbearing, assertive without aggression, stoicism, hard work ethic, appreciation for athleticism, supporting others with our skills without taking over their agenda, leadership, strength, courage, and FUN! If you’ve ever seen a man or boy play with kids or get housework done, you’ve seen that they know how to have FUN!

This Mercury Rx in Aries is a great time to celebrate the masculine in ourselves and the boys and men in our lives. Turn any frustration you feel during this time into an opportunity to pause and ask yourself, “Why am I in such a hurry? What might I be missing? How can I renew my approach and come from a more centered and positive expression of who I am? Let’s use this time to celebrate the positive masculine in ourselves and each other.  Please share this with all of the boys and men in your life. Remind them that they are loved and lovable.

Resource: “The Positive Masculine Is What We Need To Be Talking About Right Now” Matt Englar-Carlson, Ph.D

Image Credit: Dove

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  1. I love this post Lisa! First, I love the amount of detail you put in to describe the attributes of Aries in the current position it is holding, many of these words and phrases resonated for me and sort of buzzed for me and some of the things I’ve been going through during this time.
    Secondly, I appreciate the questions you pose and the ways of thinking about situations during this current situation we find ourselves in. I especially liked this questions/statement: “ How can we move forward with a healed Masculine? With protection not abuse, support not dominance, enthusiasm not hubris, integrity not artifice/exploitation.”
    I am currently working through a situation like this with a man in my life and these are exactly the thoughts I’m having about how to handle interactions between him and I.

    Lastly, I appreciate you showing respect, empathy, concern, and care for the masculine and masculine humans. I agree with you that we must be open to and willing to show compassion and curiosity to the masculine. I will definitely be passing this information along to the masculine friends and loves in my life!

    Thank you for sharing your perspective and knowledge on the subject and providing note-worthy resources as sources of support.
    Love and Rainbows 🌈

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon. It is truly heartwarming to hear that my post was meaningful and helpful for you. I love how specific you are in letting me know what had special relevance for you and I wish you all the best as you move through/work with these energies. Love and Unicorns, Lisa 🦄

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