2024 New Moon in Sagittarius

The New Moon in Sagittarius (11/30/24 Pacific Time and 12/1/24 Eastern) continues the theme of Big Energies and a Celestial Pushmipullyu. On their own the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius offer a huge dose of enthusiasm to seed our Dreams. Full of optimism and charged with a Can Do spirit, this New Moon finds challenges in being widely opposed to its ruler, Jupiter, Retrograde (Rx) in Gemini. Add to this mix that Mercury, also in Sag, is newly Retrograde and tightly opposing that same Jupiter Rx in Gemini. All four of these Celestial Beings are squaring Saturn in Pisces, now Direct. This Saturn is a welcome parachute drag on the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter’s hyper-accelerated vehicle, helping us to use all of that Fire and Air energy to fuel our Engines with steam as opposed to blowing up. It is a strange mix of Dream Big vs Slow Your Roll.

Jupiter and Mercury both in Retrograde and squaring that Pisces Saturn does allow breathing space to shift energy from exaggeration to expansion and hyperbole to positivity. We may find a tendency for details (Gemini) to be loosey goosey making this Mercury Rx an especially important one for checking and double, even triple, checking the facts, our beliefs and our perspectives. We may have a positive, big vision and be ready to go in and find out (Sagittarius and Jupiter), however, the retrograde planets as well as Saturn are reminding us to ask specific questions and to come from a place of Grounded connection to Spirit. Chances are we don’t have all the information we need.

Something in our lives may swing between being a big deal and then being a none issue. And back again, or vise-versa. We may feel we keep making the wrong move, or repeatedly handling things from the wrong approach. If so, let’s not waste energy on recriminations of self or others. We have tools and we can use them to re-ground, review, renew and re-align.

Driving during this time I noticed the traffic would snarl, then smooth out beautifully, then snarl, then smooth in a repeated fashion. This is a good analogy of how life may feel over the next few weeks or longer. I still got to my destinations safely and practiced a lot of breathing along the way! Our energy may feel scattered and overwhelmed. Saturn in Pisces is there to help us ground, settle and calm our mind and energy systems. Pisces calls us to Trust, even as new information, thoughts, ideas and communications may be overwhelming us. Take the pause that this Saturn in Pisces offers these Big Energies. As we review and check our facts, beliefs and stories we can assess which ones might be outdated or no longer work for us. We can clear out the clutter to allow space for circumstances and people more in alignment with our present reality to come in.

Pluto fully in Aquarius now for the next 20 years is a Big Deal. We may feel a sense of being in a time warp; either able to do tons of things while the clock hands don’t seem to move or feel like we are The Flash and everyone else is moving in slow-mo. More opportunities for breathing!

Pluto in Aquarius offers us a preview into 2025’s theme; The Year of the Wood Snake in the Chinese Zodiac. It is and will be a time of shedding skin, new cycles, new frequencies, elevating consciousness and transformation. As Pluto has left Capricorn we will need to attend to endings and soul contracts completed for the purpose of renewal and growth for all. The Old Way, however it has manifested, just simply won’t work anymore.

Mars in Leo opposing this Aquarius Pluto energizes us to move from the Heart, to turn our faces to the Sun and to bring in joy, no matter how small. This is the alchemy and the inspiration. It doesn’t negate the suffering, but lifts us up and enables us to create the life and the World that we want.  When and where  there is strife we can shift the energy as soon as possible. Yes, its work. This is the work of conscious creating. Did someone say it would be easy? It seems to me to be a paradox of ease and hard work. Visualize the World as you want it to be, not the anger, despair and grief of how it is. Transforming and processing our pain is the work of alchemy and how we can create the Vision of Humanity in Harmony with All that we want. “It is time.” says Rafiki, from the Lion King.

When I look at the overall geometry of this chart the words ‘Star Spangled Mandala’ come to mind. There is a Lot, but it is balanced and, though intense, very supported and harmonious. A Grand Fire Trine between Mars in Leo, Mercury Rx in Sagittarius and Chiron Rx in Aries brings a burst of inspired action when centered and fiery overwhelm when not. As well, a configuration called a Mystic or Golden Rectangle is created in Fire and Air signs. This is a very stable, secure, balanced and flowing geometry of trines and sextiles between Jupiter Rx Gemini, Chiron Rx Aries, Mercury Rx Sagittarius and Lilith conjunct Vesta in Libra. Again the theme of alchemy and steam engines arises. This structure of Fire and Air is contained and, though combustible, offers a mechanism for usable inspiration and the energy to move into creative expressions. The concept of Yin/Yang embodied in it’s symbol as a moving mandala expresses these energies perfectly. 

Despite all of this Fire and Air we still have Earth and Water holding us. Even as we are sent off into the Ether for visions, inspirations and creative transformations, we are tethered to reality and grounded in Source energy by Neptune and Saturn in Pisces. A strong Venus and Ceres (Earth Mother) in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Aquarius all trine Uranus Direct in Taurus call us to be responsible with our energies. How are we treating our Body, our Earth? Unity, celebration and heartful joy come from gratitude and a deep acknowledgement of our blessings and abundance. No Pollyannas here. Rooted we reach for the Stars. The Earth smiles and the Stars answer. Kindness and softness are highlighted as we explore and rediscover our truest Selves. The Mind and our internal chatter may be at odds with this. Use the Sword of Truth to cut through suspicion, disillusionment, untruths and misdirections.  It is not necessarily a good time for big conversations. Whenever off balance return to loving kindness as fast as possible. We can be responsible AND compassionate with ourselves and others. It will require pausing to listen, listen, listen. Challenges in our communications and our attunement to Oneness can manifest as too much information and overwhelm. Using our tools of movement, breathing and creativity will help us to drop into Heart and Spirit. Be flexible (mutable energies of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces) and prioritize serenity and well being. What are we receiving? Gratitude, fertility and multiplicity abound; doing everything (as best we can) from a Heart Centered place (Mars in Leo) and tending to our Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras will ease our way.

Mercury stations Direct on the Full Moon of December 14th and may bring more clarity of what this New Moon is initiating. Meanwhile, we can follow the thread; tiny, golden and glimmering it will lead us down the Path as we weave our truest expression and become more fully ourselves by tapping into and listening to the cosmic clues from deep within and without.

Be real and play: not as a ‘let them eat cake’ to the people suffering but as a ‘we see what you’re doing and we are not going to live in your Doom Machine. We are working for a better World’ to the people engaged in perpetrating suffering. Our play, laughter and light will pull in Love for everyone, even the architects and enablers of the Doom.

Repeatedly writing or drawing or dancing what we want (our vision) as we care for our feelings and our body (Water/Earth) over and over in waves of coming and going, like a Birthing, we practice. We have 20 years to master this. We can pace ourselves. How it is now is not how it will be. We can assist to create what we want our New Earth to be like. No action, prayer, wish, or expression of gratitude is too small. A smile, a nod, ‘one tiny drop of compassionate Water is enough to bring back the rivers to our mountains and streams’. We are Magic. We can do this.


Molly McCord

Heather Ensworth

Pam Gregory

Sarah Vrba

Nancy Rebecca

John Sandbach

Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School

Thich Nhat Hahn

Hopi Elders

Image Credit: anotherdaygreener.com

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