Yesterday’s Full Moon in Cancer starts off the New Year continuing our journey through times of intensity as well as vast potential for healing and renewal. The energies of this Full Moon initiate for the whole year.

Mars Retrograde (Rx) in Cancer is traveling back to care for the Moon in Cancer as both oppose not only the Sun in Capricorn but also Pluto in Aquarius. This opposition forms the edge of a Bowl or Cradle configuration with all of the Outer Planets  (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) held within it. What does this mean?

Being held in a cradle with Cancer (Mother) and Capricorn (Father) being the containing energies creates an extremely strong signature for reparenting, rebirth and regeneration.

Pluto conjunct the Sun amplifies this, as well as calling for the need to continue clearing out the old so that renewal can happen, as Pluto is ready to take us into a new expression of Humanity that holds harmony and justice for all (Aquarius).

Uranus Rx in Taurus trines Pluto and the Sun, bringing disruption and chaos as a means to purge the Old Earth (Taurus) and make way for the New.

At this point, we may find ourselves simply exhausted.

Good News! The Moon conjunct Mars Rx in Cancer are here to support you to rest, regenerate and regulate.

We may feel pulled between the Hermit (Cancer) and Duty/the Hierophant  (Capricorn). Tune into the ample energies of Pisces and intuit what your needs are for the Now. The only wrong answer is the one that makes us feel pressured, uncomfortable or increases our stress.

Emotional safety is a must, don’t compromise it.

What do we need to do (Mars) to access or maintain our emotional safety (Moon/Cancer)? The main ask of this Full Moon is ‘how can we build a foundation (Capricorn Sun) of self care (Cancer Moon) and maintain it for the long term (Capricorn)?

“Cultivate moments of softness and security.” Sarah Vrba

Mars is there to back us up. Mars in Cancer, and Retrograde, can feel frustrated, triggered and constrained, OR protective and shielding.  This Mars squares Chiron (the Healer) in Aries and is occulted (covered) by the Moon indicating a profound and powerful rebirth of Aries/Mars into the Positive Masculine of calm, confident, assurance and protection as opposed to the negative expressions of outbursts of rage and rabid control. We can notice how we feel and transform any aggression by accessing our inner Home (Cancer).

I have found this Super Quick Mood Enhancing Meditation by Steve Nobel extremely helpful in shifting me from the Dark Side of Mars/Aries to the Light Side. 

The Nodes of the Moon shifted from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo on 1/11/25 ushering us into a new phase of Soul Path and Healing. Neptune in Pisces conjuncts this North Node potentiating a powerful focus on healing the Victim signature of the Age of Pisces and allowing Christ Consciousness to shine forth. Saturn and Venus are moving closer to this Neptune and North Node conjunction. These Piscean energies will continue to expand over the next 6 weeks, peak on February 28th/March 1 and gradually recede until March 20th. Believe in Magic. Saturn in Pisces is there to “Anchor our spiritual reality into our physical reality” so that we may “Feel it in our Bones” Nancy Rebecca. The Venus/Saturn conjunction in Pisces assures that we ground our physical reality in self worth, self care and valuing of all things Earth within and with out us. This conjoining stellium (many Celestial Energies in one sign) provides us with immense power for Alchemy. As best we can, may we stay in gratitude and use the power of the Ocean to shift any frequencies that don’t serve us.

Pisces calls us to release, to let go and to play in the Dreamtime. It has never been more imperative to Ride the Wave (Cancer/Pisces) and to root ourselves deeply.

The Outer Planet Energies are non-negotiable. There is no way to control the Ocean (Neptune), Time (Saturn) or Death/Rebirth (Pluto). What we can do is balance our energies, temper our actions (Mars) and seek inner guidance to alchemize the energies, both inner and outer.

Action is best directed toward the Mysteries, the Moon, Home (Mars Rx/Moon in Cancer), Grounding (Capricorn) and expressions of Creative Joy (Pisces).

Jupiter Rx in Gemini is still squaring Saturn in Pisces and Mercury is nestled favorably between Saturn in Pisces and Vesta (Ritual) and Black Moon Lilith (Feminine Mysteries) both in Scorpio. This further emphasizes the above message of internal wisdom seeking, Dark of the Moon Magic and directing our thinking towards accessing inner messages, healing and guidance. 

Continue to create sacred space and find answers within; our intuition and powers of manifestation are very, very strong.

Ceres (Earth Mother) in Aquarius promises a New Earth seedling and shines a light on New Visions for Earth and Information. How can Earth and Information support each other? How can we honor both to grow and expand with care for all? Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer makes the point that beyond sustainability lies reciprocity; a deep knowing of gratitude and mutual honoring. How can we inform ourselves of this?

With so much emphasis on Piscean Energy over the next few months I am struck by how the descriptions of Pisces and Christ Consciousness correspond. Words such as: forgiveness, oneness, compassion, divine love, acceptance, and healing are a few that embody both of these frequencies.  May the energy and vibrations of these Presences fill you, hold you, nourish and sustain you as we transform together in this Great Wheel Turning.


Nancy Rebecca

Sarah Vrba

Heather Ensworth

Steve Nobel

Rider Waite Tarot

Image Credit: HealingStarsdotcom

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