Yesterday’s New Moon in Aquarius (1/29/25) also welcomes in the Lunar New Year of the Yin Wood Snake. Normally, New Moons offer a seeding time for our intentions for the following month. Importantly, the intentions we set now charge up the energies and create a template for the whole year. This is Good News as this New Moon presents with a stellium (one or more Celestial Bodies) in Aquarius and the airwaves are Zipping! The Sun and Moon in Aquarius at 10° are accompanied by Pluto and Mercury conjunct at 2° and Ceres at 20°. So much Air brings information, visioning, thinking and collaboration at a dizzying pace. Our challenge is to stay grounded in our own energy field so that we can care for ourselves, go our own pace and stay connected to our intuition and our inner and cosmic knowing. We are aided in this by an amazing and rare conjunction of Venus, the North Node and Neptune in Pisces. Our connection to Spirit as well as our intuitive capabilities will only get stronger over the next month or so as Saturn, the Sun, Moon and Mercury all pass over this connection point and conjoin with Neptune and the North Node in Pisces. It is a Pisces Parade, calling us to bring compassion, kindness, intuition and our spiritual essence to all that we do, think and say. Expect miracles.
“Into the Mystic” by Van Morrison comes to mind.
Pluto conjunct Mercury in Aquarius indicates a rebirth of all things Mercury: our thoughts, communications, interpersonal relationships, our words and our ‘voice’. Pluto is demanding an overhaul of this area of our lives in order to align it with Truth, Authenticity and Creative Expression (Aquarius). The truth will out. Pluto will demand it. Lies will not hold, not the ones we tell ourselves, or each other. As one spiritual leader put it, this is the Year of the Purge (Nancy Rebecca). This aligns perfectly with the Lunar New Year of the Snake, which calls us to shed our old skin and welcome in the new.
Watch for the Dark Side of both of these emphasized energies: Pisces’ being addiction, illusion, delusion, confusion and victimhood; Aquarius‘ being aloofness, coldness, disassociation, going along with the herd or being anti-social, doublespeak and ruthlessness. The outer maelstrom will try to pull us off our Center and spin us out and may well succeed. Notice as soon as possible and come back to Center. Over the next week the Yang Wood Dragon will be transmitting the Year’s Qi (energy) to the Yin Wood Snake. We have time to transition and to calibrate our energy systems and our body to the new frequencies. We have a whole year to integrate this year’s energies and a 20 year cycle of Pluto in Aquarius to integrate that energy. Pace yourself. Follow your feel and spend as much time in ceremony, ritual and connection to your Center and Source as possible. Even a moment of grounding (thinking about the Earth and our connection to it) can aid us and has exponential benefits. One Spiritual Teacher I follow mentions that we may need to ground 10 or more times a day in a time of particularly highly charged energies. This gave me great hope and solace as I had been judging myself previously for how hard it can be for me to ground, despite my practices. What a relief! Permission to be me! Ahhhhh.
It is an extremely potent time to Vision and to Dream the New. Aquarius at it’s best supports us to detach and allow, less distracted by ego and personal preferences “…to let everything be what its going to be – without coercion, effort, cultivation, or manipulation. It manifests a genuine naturalness that can sooth others and encourage them to be themselves.” John Sandbach. Remember that ‘others’ means all others, not just the two-leggeds.
Pisces, for it’s part, brings Radical Forgiveness and calls us in from the cold to tell us that we are Beloved, we are cherished and that: “O Nobly Born, O you of glorious origins, remember your radiant true nature, the essence of mind. Trust it. Return to it. It is home.” — The Tibetan Book of the Dead. I’m guessing that ‘mind’ here refers to ‘heart/mind’ as Eastern understanding does not separate the two.
Mars is still Retrograde (Rx) in Cancer and trines the Pisces Stellium, including Saturn as well as Juno (committed relationships) in Scorpio. There is a lot of Water energy here to cleanse, purge and release. Remember to recalibrate and to reset what you want your new path to consist of. Rinse, recalibrate, repeat. Mars is also in opposition to Athena (Strategic Thinking) in Capricorn. Again, this aligns with the Snake “They are both intelligent and intuitive, making them naturally strategic.” ~ Susan Levitt
This is a powerful time to shed outdated parts of ourselves, our thinking and perceptions. We are encouraged to embrace parts of ourselves that we have previously ‘othered’, to reveal what is hidden in the depths and/or monsterfied (new word I made up meaning to make a monster based on fear). When I say ‘encouraged’ think in terms of being ‘encouraged’ to pull the parachute cord when we are sky diving.
Uranus stations Direct today, 1/30/25 which makes it’s influence and energies even more potent and disruptive. Working in harmony with Athena in Capricorn and in flow with the conjunction of Neptune, Venus and the North Node in Pisces, this Uranus is here to reshape and reform us, to generate that ‘new skin’ that is more in harmony and alignment with the Earth/Gaia. Chiron, still in Aries, brings tension to Athena in Capricorn and Mars Rx in Cancer insisting that the New Us/New Earth be grounded in Justice (Athena) and care of the Home (Cancer), the healed masculine a protector and provider once more (Aries), for the good of the community (Capricorn). Thus Yin and Yang ( Masculine/Feminine) are balanced and create Wholeness.
Jupiter, still Retrograde in Gemini harmonizes with the Pluto/Mercury conjunction in Aquarius and continues its square to Saturn in Pisces. On the Dark side this brings bombast and hyperbole, on the Light side it brings an internal process of seeking truth and authenticity with communications and connections grounded in Spirit and kind regard for multiplicity, not duplicity. We all hold a facet of the Jewel of Truth. May we find our voice and light up our unique facet so that the Whole may shine forth in all our Beauty and Wonder.
Unfortunately I am not able to post these ahead of time and am often even a day late. The reason is that I am often too immersed in the energies to have the where-with-all to write about them. Luckily, our intentions and templates for Full and New Moons as well as New Year’s can be charged up and initiated for a few days after the exact alignments. In fact, it is common for professional Astrologers to guide us in setting New Moon and Eclipse intentions AFTER the peak of the event as the energies are too strong and busy settling through our bodies and auras to receive our intentions. Be that as it may,
The Stars Unite Us
By their distance and their universality.
We can all look up with deep gratitude and wonder.
They shine on all equally; humbling and reassuring.
Stardust to stardust. ~Lisa Hart
Heather Ensworth
Master Liu He
Sarah Vrba
Nancy Rebecca
John Sandbach
Molly McCord
Steve Nobel
Photo Credit: Nicci Garaicoa