Today’s New Moon in Leo (8/4/2024) brings the energy of a warm, gentle Sun and Moon to bask in. Seed the next month with the light, the kindness and the glow of the Leo Sun and Moon. There is no better way forward than to lead from the Heart. Allow yourself to fully receive the gentleness of this New Moon as it is a welcome and needed respite after the Big Clearing energies of the past year. This well-deserved pause will support and nourish us for the intensity of the year to come. We will need the purity and strength of Heart gifted to us by the Sun, Moon, Vesta (Keeper of the Hearth) and Venus in Leo for what comes next; especially for the Full Aquarius Moon 8/18/24. It will be a doozy. But for now, rest in the Sacred Pause/Paws of Leo’s open and generous Heart.
This Leo New Moon is bracketed by Lammas, the Cross Quarter day of August 1st, celebrating the First Harvest and the winding down of the most intense days of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Lion’s Gate on August 8th; a time to absorb the light of the Sun, Higher Consciousness and Heart empowerment. What a perfect synchronicity to nourish us as we align with Self.
The New Moon forms a sextile (an angle of ease) with both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini supporting our internal process by opening up new approaches. Where to now? What new directions, perceptions, ideas and communications will expand us into the Future?
Mercury going Retrograde (Rx) in Virgo on this very day adds potency to the internal nature of this pause. Take the time to really care about and for SELF. Mercury Rx in Virgo helps us conceptualize and implement new ways forward regarding self care and the clearing of our energy systems. This process prepares us to move ahead aligned with our Heart as the Sun enters Virgo on August 22 and Mercury stations Direct on August 28th. Remember: Tiny changes = big effect.
Astrologer Molly McCord invites us to Sweep Clean and clear our higher Chakras with a Cosmic Broom. What could be more Mercury Rx in Virgo? Mercury in his ruling sign of Virgo delights in sorting, cleaning, and organizing. On a more down to Earth level, you may feel impelled to clean out that closet, organize that drawer, finish that letter, or restart that yoga practice. This Mercury Retrograde helps us to assess our day to day practices and encourages us to ask: Are they supportive or not?
Be clear on Self (Leo) and allow The Lion to bring you the courage, confidence, strength and fortitude needed to move through the tensions and pullings, disruptions and shakings that may lie ahead. Gird your loins (play on Lions). Fortify your Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras. Leo helps us keep it light and warm and fun and KIND as we prepare to move through the coming intensities of our inner and outer worlds. If your heart feels shattered or quaky, this New Moon is purrfect for placing ourselves in the Paws of the Lion and allowing the Universe to embrace you with its Sacred Hum/Purr. Humming comes to mind as a good way to nourish ourselves right now. So easy and accessible.
Venus in the last (potent) degree of Leo finds herself quite stressed and uncomfortable at the apex of two inconjunct planets: Neptune Retrograde at 29° of Pisces and Pluto Retrograde at 0° Aquarius. This configuration calls us to adjust our relationship to Self and Heart (Leo Venus) and to line it up with Universal Love (Neptune Pisces) and Power (Pluto Aquarius). The Celestials continue to shine a light on the imperative to clean up our Karma and clear out any lack of self worth or denial of Power (empowerment). We are Love, we are the Divine. No victims, no martyrs. Venus gains relief and support from near by Mercury Rx in Virgo. As the Divine Messenger moves closer to help his sister in distress he brings much needed discernment, grounding and nourishment (Virgo/Grain Goddess). What is enlightening and what is re-traumatizing? Mercury Retrograde in Virgo helps us to sift the grain from the chaff. If old wounds or issues come back around for a review (Mercury Rx) hold on to Forgiveness as you soften your Heart into the challenge.
Vesta in Leo encourages and supports a day to day ritual and practice (Mercury Retrograde Virgo) to return to the Heart (Leo) and relax by the embers of the Hearth as we clean House. As this New Moon brings many new ideas and a creative flow we may go forward but find re-dos necessary. These re-dos will result in improvements, nothing will be wasted. Hold every action lightly as there WILL be reversals and reevaluations. It is all good unless we hold on tightly to outcomes and how a process ‘should’ go. (Fixed Fire Leo). As a personal example, I am re-doing this post on 8/5/2024. 😉 Allowing myself to follow the Feel (Neptune in Pisces) and re-do with out judgement (Mercury Rx Virgo) feels aligned with releasing of old ways (Pluto Rx Aquarius and allowing myself to move into new ways of doing things. (Jupiter/Mars in Gemini).
Uranus in Taurus squares Venus in Leo bringing Truth via disruption to clear debris and all that is not in alignment with our Value and our True Self (Venus in Leo). This may also bring Heart Shake Ups. Tend to your Feeling Body and ground your energy system as best you can. Ask for help, corporeal or otherwise.
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn Rx Pisces (which will soon include Mars) is another signature for pausing and aligning our Ideas and Movements with Spirit. What is ready to be released will not move forward or will disappear (Saturn Pisces). Saturn as the outer planet in this configuration has the last word.
Uranus in Taurus sextile Neptune Retrograde Pisces as well as Neptune Retrograde sextile Pluto Aquarius Retrograde continue to bring shake ups and clearings for the purpose of moving forward in our most authentic (Leo) and highest vibration of Self. It may feel like persecution if we resist the call of the Divine. Instead, may we move in Deep Gratitude, doing everything slowly and in a sacred manner as we bring in this First Harvest. A shaman once told me that the Indigenous spend 60% of their time in ceremony. Wally Brown, a Navajo (Diné) Elder and Historian shares that when he asked one of his grandfathers, “Why do we pray so much?” The reply was, “You can pray less when you can make your own air.”
We are happier when we are spending more time in ceremony than on screens and tech. We may say we ‘don’t have time’ but spend our time on mindless things. Not having time for our bodies, or to be mindful and breathe, just demanding our bodies and minds do and do and do is to be caught in the Paradigm of Production is Worth. Each time we choose to tend to our Sacred Self we change the cultural mindset on what is acceptable, what is normal and what is a ‘good use’ of time. This IS the Revolution.
Open hearted appreciation is Leo’s highest expression. The four corners of the Fixed Signs bring us: Leo – to be and to give appreciation with an open, generous, up-lifted Heart, rooted in Reality and the Senses (Taurus), attuned to the Vision and Creation of Humanity’s wellbeing (Aquarius), clean and clear and empowered by transmuting all that does not serve the above (Scorpio). Tall order? All the more reason to soften into this New Moon as we seed the warmth, joy, appreciation and kindness we need to sustain us through the coming days. May the next few weeks bring purrrfect sustenance. 🦁🌻💛
Sources and Inspirations
Molly McCord
John Sandbach
Sarah Vrba
Heather Ensworth
Image Credit: compilation: and wonderment/larry landolfi