I began my study of the body at the age of 26. That was when I committed to Yoga and a practice, of any sort, as long as I didn’t quit. That was my only criteria. This is the promise that I made to myself, which I am happy to say, I have kept. I was blessed to live in a small PNW town that had a very strong yoga community full of amazing and accomplished teachers who studied with all of the First American Lineage (my words): Iyengar, Anusara, Ashtanga, Forrest and Hatha.

During my years as a massage therapist I found myself naturally adapting yoga poses for my clients’ self care needs.

My goal : move like an orangutan: liquid bronze, no bones. I know how good it feels to move in a body with freedom and fluidity. I also know how it feels to be bound up and ‘sticky’. Ups and downs of my practice: Can access and assess people where they are and help them move forward towards their goal, finding those ‘yummy’ spots along the way. The body was designed to move. Movement brings joy and play. I love to find the play in the pose and connect to the Nature of the pose: The puppy in Down Dog and the tree in Tree Pose.

Studied with Doug Keller of ‘Do Yoga’/Yoga Kula

Classes on Zoom/Individual sessions